Water & Sewer

Here are projects that have been implemented in water and sewer systems within Salem in order to reduce energy usage. 

Total Estimated Annual Savings From All Water & Sewer Projects

Dollars: $9,800 

Electricity (kWh): 500,000

Natural Gas (therms): 720

Carbon Emissions Reduction (equivalents in metric tons): 375.8

The amount of carbon emissions reduction is equivalent to 80.5 passenger vehicles driven for one year! 


Drinking Water Treatment Plant: 50 Arlington Ave. Beverly, MA 01915

Drinking Water Treatment Plant Savings

Project Description:  Variable Speed Drives: These new pump systems make it so that water pumps can change the speed of pumping water depending on the demand. For example, with variable speeds, a water pump is no longer always running at top speed. When less water is being demanded the pump can reduce its speed and therefore save energy.  


Low Flow Toilet and Faucet Replacements: Salem Fire Department, Public Library, and Bentley Elementary School

Low Flow Faucet Savings

Project Description: Low-flow faucets and toilets: This means that low-flow fixtures were installed in sinks and toilets. These fixtures moderate the flow of water and therefore reduce water and energy consumption.