City of Salem Launches New Online Street Sweeping Tool and Website

New website,, includes interactive map to look up street sweeping details

The City of Salem has launched a new website and online tool to look up address and street-specific details about street sweeping. The website,, includes a link to an easy to use map where residents can find out when their street sweeping dates are by looking up their address or clicking on their street. The website also features links to the seasonal street sweeping schedule, a list of alternative parking locations for street sweeping days, and more.

On the map, clicking on a street displays the appropriate street sweeping days, no parking times, street information, and sweeping zone. Use the mouse’s scroll-wheel to zoom in and out and click and drag the map to navigate. There is an address locator in the top-left corner, along with a home button, a locate button, and full-screen button, and zoom buttons. When entering a specific address, after the address is found, click on the street to view the sweeping details.