Reporting Improperly Parked Bicycles


With the advent of warm weather, more and more people are enjoying Zagster bikes in Salem. Unfortunately, they are not always returned properly to a public bike rack or Zagster station. It's important to note that Zagster bikes do not have a built-in GPS, so - while Zagster's local team does work to rebalance and return bikes to appropriate locations as often as possible - it is helpful for members of the public to properly report these when they locate them.

You can report an improperly parked Zagster bicycle in a number of different ways:

  1. Call Zagster customer support at 202-999-3924.
  2. Email Zagster customer support at
  3. Use SeeClickFix ( or via the app) and select the "Abandoned Bicycle" service request.

Almost all Zagster riders properly end their ride and park their bike at a public bike rack or Zagster station; however, a small number do not. You can help ensure those bicycles are properly returned in a timely manner by using any of the three methods above. Zagster riders who park improperly may receive a warning and, in the event of repeated complaints, a rider may have their membership suspended.

Please note that other bike share brand bicycles (Ant, Ofo, etc.) are not permitted to be left in the public way in Salem. If you identify one, you can use SeeClickFix or call the Department of Public Services at 978-744-3302 to have it removed.