Salem Shared Streets Pilot

Neighborhood traffic calming program starts in August
shared street

The City of Salem will be implementing a Shared Streets pilot program as part of its ongoing neighborhood traffic calming efforts. The pilot will use non-permanent modifications on targeted streets to help lower traffic speeds and volumes, provide more space for safer physical distancing, and create a sense of place where people feel more comfortable walking and biking. Modifications include paint, movable barriers, signage, and vertical traffic calming elements. Data and public feedback will be collected throughout the pilot.

As part of this pilot, the targeted streets below will be selectively closed to cut-through traffic on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Access for residents and deliveries will be maintained, as well as emergency access and parking. The closures will enable residents to walk, bike, and roll in the street safely and are designed to be easily adjustable and removable.

Shared Streets pilot locations:

  • Ward Street - from Lafayette Street to Congress Street
  • Peabody Street - from Lafayette Street to Congress Street
  • Fairfield Street - from Cabot Street to Lafayette Street
  • Buffum Street - from School Street to Mason Street
  • Chestnut Street - from Flint Street to Summer Street

To see a map of the locations, please visit Learn more about the pilot and share your feedback at

This initiative has been made possible through grants from the Lawrence & Lillian Solomon Foundation and the Barr Foundation.

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shared streets spanish

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