"disposable" doesn’t necessarily mean "flushable".

For more information:

We do this every day, multiple times, and it’s often taboo to talk about…using the toilet!  

The fact is, most people see it as a necessity and don’t think too long about it – just flush and go. But this can cause a huge problem for residents, businesses, and our wastewater treatment plant because — let’s be honest — we have an obsession with convenience. Toilets are often treated as trash cans for common household items, like:

lis of non-flushables

Once you flush it, it’s not gone. It must travel through miles of winding pipes to get to the SESD wastewater treatment plant. On the way, your flush passes barriers like tree roots, built up grease, and all the other things people flush that they shouldn’t. This causes HUGE clogs of wipes and debris in the sewers as well as inside equipment at the treatment plant. Click here to learn more about the consequences of flushing wipes and other items.

Wipes clog pipes