Zoning Board of Appeals - January 15, 2020 Agenda

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - 6:30pm


You are hereby notified that the Salem Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on
Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 6:30 pm at City Hall Annex,
First Floor Conference Room, 98 Washington Street, Salem, MA.

Mike Duffy, Chair


  1. Location:        6 White Street (Map 41, Lot 285) (B1 Zoning District)

Applicant:      Sandy J. Martin

Description:  Note: The petitioner has requested to withdraw this petition without prejudice. A continuation of a public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of SANDY J. MARTIN for a variance per Section 3.2.4 Accessory Buildings and Structures to allow an accessory structure (an enclosure for trash and recycling bins) within the required front yard setback at 6 WHITE STREET (Map 41, Lot 285) (B1 Zoning District).

  1. Location:        9 Boston Street (Map 25, Lot 39) (B1 and ECOD Zoning Districts)

Applicant:      Kevin McCafferty

Description:  Note: The petitioner has requested a continuation to the regularly scheduled meeting on February 19, 2020. A continuation of a public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of KEVIN MCCAFFERTY for variances per Section 4.1.1 Table of Dimensional Requirements of the Salem Zoning Ordinance from maximum height of buildings (stories), minimum lot area, minimum lot area per dwelling unit, minimum depth of front yard, and minimum width of side yard and a variance from Section 5.1 Off-Street Parking to provide less than the required amount of parking to construct a three-story, three-family dwelling with four parking spots on the vacant lot at 9 BOSTON STREET (Map 25, Lot 39) (B1 and ECOD Zoning Districts).

  1. Location:        7 Curtis Street (Map 35, Lot 339) (R2 Zoning District)

Applicant:      LH Capital Development, LLC

Description:  A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of LH CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, LLC for a special permit per Section 3.3.5 Nonconforming Single- and Two-Family Residential Structures of the Salem Zoning Ordinance for maximum height of buildings (stories) and minimum front and side yard setbacks to expand an existing nonconforming two-family home by raising the existing attic, changing the roof from gambrel to gable, and adding two dormers; by adding a story above the existing two-story rear addition; and by adding egress steps and landings within required front and rear yard setbacks at 7 CURTIS STREET (Map 35, Lot 339) (R2 Zoning District).

  1. Location:        54 Forrester Street (Map 41, Lot 223) (R2 Zoning District)

Applicant:      Barry Kernfeld & Sally McMurry

Description:  A public hearing for all persons interested in the petition of BARRY KERNFELD & SALLY MCMURRY for a special permit per Section 3.3.4 Variance Required of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to extend an exterior wall along the same nonconforming distance by expanding an existing deck along an existing nonconforming side yard setback at the multi-family residential building at 54 FORRESTER STREET (Map 41, Lot 223) (R2 Zoning District).



  1. July 17, 2019
  2. September 18, 2019
  3. October 16, 2019
  4. December 18, 2019




  1. Discussion of and vote on 2020 ZBA Meeting Schedule
  2. Discussion of and vote on revised ZBA Fee Schedule (to reflect change in Registry of Deeds recording fee)




Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. c. 30A Sections 18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.