City of Salem Seeks Applicants for New Traffic & Parking Commission

New city board will oversee roadway, transportation, and parking matters

Yesterday the Salem City Council approved the creation of a new Traffic & Parking Commission for the City of Salem. Mayor Kim Driscoll invites those who are interested in applying for a seat on the Commission to submit an application form (available here: and resume to

Residents with a relevant background in transportation, traffic engineering, or urban planning are especially encouraged to apply. The Commission will include three Salem residents and one representative of the business community. The term of office is 3 years and meeting dates and times have not yet been determined.

“I would like to extend an invitation to all qualified residents of our City to consider applying for a seat on this very important new commission,” said Mayor Driscoll. “This is an opportunity to professionalize and unify how we plan and manage traffic and parking in our community. I look forward to the Commission getting started on this critical work.”

The Commission is charged with the development and regulation of on-street and off-street public parking, including approvals of fees, policies, and programs. The Commission will also oversee traffic planning and policy development for the City, implement the City’s nationally-recognized complete streets policy, and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council for Ordinances or Commission regulations regarding traffic and parking.

The Commission will guide the planning and implementation of the City’s residential traffic calming initiative, oversee the implementation and updating of the City’s comprehensive parking plan, plan parking and transit-related technology improvements, and review and act on traffic and parking regulation petitions submitted to it.

Any Salem resident or business owner may petition the Commission for a traffic or parking regulation. While the Commission will have unilateral authority over some traffic and parking regulations, larger such changes will require additional approval by the City Council. The Commission will be staffed and advised by the new Director of Traffic and Parking.